Minggu, 06 November 2011

Sexy Zone Profile

ohohohoho.. sexy zone profile is coming ^^v saa.. douzo.. ^^/

Sexy zone is new group from Johnny & Associates, Inc., named Sexy Zone, consisting of five members (Nakajima Kento (17),
Kikuchi Fuma (16), Sato Shori (14), Matsushima So (13) and Marius Yo (11)) would be making their debut with a self-titled single, ‘Sexy Zone‘.

Recently, it was revealed their debut single is set to be released on November 16th. *saya baru tau klo sexy zone belum debut XD (reader : dari dulu kemana aja bu?? ==a)*

Source : http://www.jpopasia.com/group/sexyzone/

Member Profile :

1. Name : Nakajima Kento
Colour : Green
Born : Tokyo, March 13th, 1994
Blood type : A
Height : 174cm
Hobby & Talent : Piano
Nickname : Kento, Nakaken, Nakaji.
The part of you that you think “this is sexy” : My lips.
Favorite Phrase : “Push forward. Do my best {written in English}.”
Admired Senpai : Yamada Ryosuke, Yabu Kouta

2. Name : Kikuchi Fuuma
Colour : Purple
Born : Tokyo, March 7th, 1995
Blood type : A
Height : 176cm
Hobby : Guitar
Talent : I’ve never lost at thumb wrestling.
Nickname : Fuuma
The part of you that you think “this is sexy” : The mole on the back of my neck.
Favorite Phrase : “Dreams are not something that you look at, they’re something that you make come true.”
Admired Senpai and Group : Arashi

3. Name : Sato Shouri
Colour : Red
Born : Tokyo, October 30th, 1996
Blood type : A
Height : 160cm
Hobby : Looking at cars and motorcycles.
Talent : I more or less know a lot of trivia.
Nickname : Shouri
The part of you that you think “this is sexy” : My jawline.
Favorite Phrase : The word that is my own name, “victory.”
Admired Senpai and Group : Nakayama Yuuma and V6
*gyaa... anak ini ngingetin aku sama seseorang ^^*

4. Name : Matsushima Sou
Colour : Orange
Born  : Shizuoka, November 27th, 1997
Blood type : A
Height : 148cm
Hobby : Snowboarding, cooking.
Talent : Cooking.
Nickname : Mattsu
The part of you that you think “this is sexy” : My style. Because I like being fashionable and I choose my accessories carefully.
Favorite Phrase : “Your sweat doesn’t lie”
Admired Senpai and Group : Chinen Yuuri and Hey!Say!JUMP

5. Name : Marius Yo
Colour : Pink
Born : Heidelberg (Germany), March 30th, 2000
Blood type : O
Height : 152cm
Hobby : Dance, guitar, skiing, piano.
Talent : Jazz dance, hip-hop dance.
Nickname : Marius, Mari-chan, Yo-kun.
The part of you that you think “this is sexy” : My nose, my dancing.
Favorite Phrase : “Dankeschön (“thank you” in German).”
Admired Senpai and Group : Nakajima Kento

Credit : http://jr-w0rld.livejournal.com/60739.html#cutid1

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